The new year provides an opportunity for new beginnings, especially when it comes to health and wellbeing. The most popular New Year’s resolutions are losing weight, being healthier, and being fitter.
Making these resolutions are easier said than done and as the months go by it may prove challenging to stick to these resolutions. Here are some tips to help with the process.
Setting yourself Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based goals will enable long-term commitment and success, e.g. a weight loss of 0.5kg to 1kg a week is a safe and realistic target for individuals who are overweight/obese.
Are you trying to fit back into an old pair of jeans? Or is there a fitness level that you want to aspire to? Finding out why you want to achieve certain goals will inspire and fuel your motivation, which will ultimately lead to success.
By planning your meals ahead, you’re less likely to go “off-track”. Consider making a shopping list when you do your next weekly/monthly shop or perhaps try preparing larger batches of food so that extras can be stored and eaten at a later time.
Some of us need that extra support to reach our goals. Decide who can help you through your journey and the best way that they can support you. This could be asking a friend to become your exercise buddy or seeking help and advice from a Registered Dietitian to ensure healthy and long-lasting results.
You may fall into your old habits from time to time and that is OK. Don’t allow this to discourage you from achieving your overall goals. See it as a lesson to learn from, rather than a reason to give up.
These are just a few tips to help you achieve your resolution(s). Additional help may be required. Get in touch with us for further support.